I wonder what chocolate taste like in the Amazon rain forest?

Red = Where we have been;
Green = Where we are now;
Yellow = Where we are going;
Blue Plane = Where we flew into (Belo Horizonte);
Green House = Tiago´s home town (Governador Valadares)

View I wonder what chocolate tastes like in the rainforest? in a larger map

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Explanation to come...


Camocim, a small town near Jericoacoara

Beach bathrooms

Helping out the guys... the truck is stuck in the sand

Driving on the beach

Taking the "ferry"

Our campground in Jericoacoara is also a garden


Dali shadow

At the driver's seat

Traversing the nearby dunes on horseback


A cultural center in Fortaleza... we were only in the city for a few hours, merely passing through


Traffic in the big city of Salvador (Brasil's original capital city).

"The Pelourinho" - a famous neighborhood in Salvador

One of the many churches of Salvador.  The city is said to have a church for every single day of the year, and more

One of the few pictures of Lena and I

Salvador's many parts are separated by hills.  There is the Upper city and the Lower city.  This is one way of getting from one to the other.

A view of "Baía de Todos os Santos (e de Quase Todos os Pecados)".  This translates into "Bay of all saints (and almost all sins)".

The Lower city.  The large tower to the right is an elevator to the Upper city.

Note "Super Homem", which of course means Super Man


  1. My god Tiago... your beard... it's.... it's beautiful. - Tim

  2. Hello from North America..

    It has come in handy in teaching Samuel geography to have loved ones on another continent. Frames of refernce always help him remember, so out of the 7 continents, he most easily recalls the Americas. North because it is where we live and South cause it's where Lena and Tiago are. He and Tee, well all of us really, love the blog. Especially for all the pics of where you are and what it's like. These pics were Samuel's 1st glimpse of a hammock. He thinks that they are "so totally awesome" and thinks you guys are so lucky to keep getting to sleep in hammocks and tents. Lena, I thought next summer we should try and convince Dad to put in a hammock at their house. :-D Everyone is counting the days till you two are home. Enjoy the time you have left there but hurry on home to me <3 <3 <3, M.
